Not a minute past 12 and not one too late. What is chiefly needed is a voice to say, "Look here, and here, and there, to be astounded or refreshed by the creative capacities in this city and hours of work someone has spent just to bring you a gift (a song, an act)."
If I speak about EgoPo and the Lantern Theater's Beckett Festivals, will you listen?
Happy Days, now at the Lantern, is breath-taking: right, recognizable, swift. Like the inescapable comment of a sharp-tongued friend you wounded unawares. It should be seen. As if this gift weren't enough, they give us Krapp's Last Tape on Monday, October 12th, anchored by the reliable intensity of Frank X.
Little EgoPo, the theater troupe washed up on our shores from their unluckiest of homes in New Orleans, does Endgame beginning in November and Waiting for Godot in March. This troupe has a kind of magic. Their work should always be seen.
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